

Projects @Arizona State University


Top Projects Completed Current (In-Progress)

Table of contents


  1. Food Explorer
  2. Blockchain-of-Custody
  3. Road to Glory
  4. MBR Analysis
  5. Binary Exploitation
  6. Connsplit
  7. Crypto-Certificate Reader
  8. Web Exploitation
  9. MAC-Encryption

Food Explorer

Recommendation System

Feb 2020 - April 2020

Unlike conventional recommendation system, Food Explorer recommends restaurants to foodies based on the quality of food. Used techniques like Named Entity Recognition (NER), Fuzzy Logic and Sentiment Analysis to extract the quality of food from user reviews.

#Data-Visualization #Machine-Learning

Github Demo



March 2020 - April 2020

Maintains logs for actions performed on every evidence in custody. For these evidence to be admissible in court, integrity of the evidences should be intact and hence the need for Blockchain to keep track of the same.

#Security #Computer-Forensics


Road to Glory

Analysis and Visualization

Feb 2020 - March 2020

Visual Analysis to understand why Roger Federer is the most Aggressive(An aggressive player is one who is willing to put pressure on an opponent on every shot) tennis player using Interactive Visualization, and Comparative Analysis. A simple analysis of 2017 and 2018 Aus Open Finals demonstrate the playing style of Roger Federer.


Github Demo

MBR Analysis


Jan 2020 - Feb 2020

A python utility to analyze Master Boot Record (MBR). Provides important information such as Partition Type, Starting Address Value, Size of Partition.



Binary Exploitation

Offensive Security

Nov 2019 - Dec 2019

We were tasked to pawn (take control of) as many Binaries (Application) as possible. This project required to utilize skills such as Buffer Overflow, Format Strings, Arbitrary Code Execution etc

#Cryptography #Security #Reverse-Engineering




Oct 2019 - Nov 2019

To ease the process of analyzing network traffic, Connsplit helps in segregation meaningful TCP/UDP converstaions into single files.

#Security #Reverse-Engineering


Crypto-Certificate Reader


Oct 2019 - Nov 2019

A python utilty to validate the integrity of a Crypto-Certificate for example a SSL Certificate.

#Security #Cryptography


Web Exploitation

Offensive Security

Nov 2019 - Dec 2019

Tasked to exploit various websites and extract secret-key using offensive techniquies like SQL Injection, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)

#Security #Web-Security #Networking



Algorithm Engineering

Sep 2019 - Oct 2019

In order to understand the core concepts of Block Ciphers, we developed our own Encryption and Decryption Algorithm. Performed Cryptanalysis on our system to find various drawback of our system. Based on these vulnerabilities, we further improved upon our Algorithm.

#Security #Cryptography
